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Writer's pictureBouwien Luppes

Who is Messing With Your Mojo? Discover Your Saboteurs!

examples of different Saboteurs

We all have those critical voices in our heads—those that cause anxiety, make us feel we’re not good enough and leave us doubting ourselves. I like to call them out for what they truly are: Saboteurs. These buggers are the reason we feel stressed, frustrated, guilty, ashamed, or disappointed. They’re at the root of self-sabotaging behaviors and shape how we think, feel, and respond to everyday life challenges.


What if you could change their impact on you?


Olympic champion Simone Biles once said, “Your biggest competition is yourself.” And she’s right—it’s not external factors holding us back. It’s often our own self-sabotaging ways, and we may not even realize it. The first step is to acknowledge this.


What are Saboteurs?

Saboteurs are automatic mind patterns with their own voices, beliefs, and assumptions that work against your best interests. They’re universal—we all have them—and they undermine our happiness, productivity, and well-being. The question is not whether you have Saboteurs, but which ones you have and how strong they are.


The good news is that you can significantly weaken their impact on you. The key to overcoming your Saboteurs is identifying them and exposing the hidden beliefs and lies they have you cling to. Once you do, you can see them more clearly and regain control over your mind.


How They Sabotage You

Saboteur patterns are rooted in fear, anger, shame, guilt, and self-doubt. They create a spiral of negative self-talk. For example, the Judge relentlessly critiques your mistakes and fixates on what’s wrong with you, others, or your life.....Do you recognize this? I'm sure you do and you'll also know the result: your energy is drained, and you're stuck in a cycle of negativity, feeling angry, ashamed, guilty...


Saboteurs cause unnecessary stress, anxiety, frustration, and unhappiness. Studies show that only 20% of people achieve their true potential because of these destructive mental patterns. Saboteurs keep you from performing at your best, living fully, and building healthy relationships.


Imagine accidentally placing your hand on a hot stove. The pain tells you to pull your hand away, but Saboteurs keep your hand on the stove, leaving you in constant discomfort. They extend negative emotions far beyond what’s necessary and cloud your ability to find the best solutions to life’s challenges.


The Origin of Saboteurs

Saboteurs first emerged as your guardians during childhood, helping you navigate real and imagined threats to your survival. But as adults, these once-useful patterns become internal enemies, hijacking your mind whenever they’re triggered. You’re no longer in control—your Saboteurs are.


Identifying Your Saboteurs

We have identified a total of ten Saboteurs: The Judge (your Master Saboteur), Avoider, Controller, Hyper-Achiever, Hyper-Rational, Hyper-Vigilant, Pleaser, Restless, Stickler, and Victim.


The first step to overcoming Saboteurs is awareness. By identifying the specific Saboteur patterns in your mind, you can take control of your mental narrative and break free from the limiting beliefs they place on you.


That’s where I can help. This article comes with an invitation for a complimentary Saboteur Assessment Session. In this 30-minute session, we’ll identify your top Saboteurs. More about that later. First, back to those Saboteurs.


The Judge, Your Master Saboteur

The Judge is the universal Saboteur that afflicts everyone. As in the example previously, it relentlessly criticizes your mistakes and shortcomings and makes you fixate on what’s wrong with you, others, or your life circumstances. It activates your other Saboteurs, causing more stress, unhappiness, and harm to your life and relationships.

The Judge Saboteur


Accomplice Saboteurs

The Judge doesn’t act alone. It works with nine accomplice Saboteurs. Here’s a quick overview of the nine accomplice Saboteurs—maybe some of them sound familiar already...

The Accomplice Saboteurs

  1. Avoider: Focuses on the positive while avoiding difficult tasks and conflicts.

  2. Controller: Feels anxious unless they’re in charge, causing impatience and tension.

  3. Hyper-Achiever: Depends on constant achievement for self-worth, always chasing the next goal.

  4. Hyper-Rational: Values logic over emotions, often appearing detached or uncaring.

  5. Hyper-Vigilant: Constantly anxious, always on high alert for potential dangers.

  6. Pleaser: Seeks acceptance through helping others, often at the cost of their own needs.

  7. Restless: Always searching for the next activity, rarely feeling at peace.

  8. Stickler: Driven by perfectionism, causing anxiety and dissatisfaction.

  9. Victim: Gains attention through emotional intensity and focuses on painful feelings.


It's a Journey

Overcoming Saboteurs isn’t a one-and-done task; it’s an interesting and enjoyable journey of self-discovery and growth. Like going to the gym, you wouldn’t expect to get stronger after just a few weeks of working out. Building and maintaining strength requires consistent effort—and should be fun! After all, how else will you stay motivated? The same goes for your mental fitness. By understanding how Saboteurs affect you, applying strategies to intercept them, and tapping into your innate Sage powers, you can break free from the cycle of self-sabotage. You’ll experience more ease, joy, happiness, and personal fulfillment—and finally, you’ll be able to live to your full potential. Mental fitness for life!


Discover Your Saboteurs

Are you curious which Saboteurs are at the root of your self-sabotage? I invite you to book a Saboteur Discovery Session with me. In just 30 minutes, you’ll discover your Saboteurs and learn how to break free from them. The session includes a full personal Saboteur Assessment report detailing their impact on your life.


Book your complimentary Saboteur Discovery Session with me using the button below. No strings attached—just a chance to start living life on your own terms.


Will I see you soon?


For now, I wish you nothing but good things and I'm sending you much love 🧡

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